Username: Bing Chilling
SteamID: 76561198293624896
What is the primary server you play on?: Surf
How old are you?: 20
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Did a staff member recommend you to apply? If so who?: Chase88
Do you have previous experience as a staff member for a different community?: I have experience being an admin on 2 minecraft servers, moderator on 3 discord servers, a Zupervisor at KidZania for over a year, and a former church sunday school teacher for a summer.
Why should you be a Moderator for RFG?: I'd say I'm fair, I have experience with working with people in real life so I know how to deal with people on servers, I've never power tripped (Chase knows this) on any server, I have great customer service skills and I can literally give yall some recommendations from people. I also spend too much time playing video games instead of doing my college work so you know I care.