Username: Chicken Joe
SteamID: 76561198303477442
Did a executive staff member recommend you to apply? If so who?: Yes. Chase, Breezy, GoodCall
As an operator what would you change about the server?: Leader board in discord of surf server. Able to view server ranks on server when spectating on timer. The ability to hide all players when surfing. Ability to turn off other players trails when surfing rather then hiding players completely.
Why do you want to be an Operator?: I enjoy creating maps and learning new things. I would like to make the server a unique and enjoyable place for all members. I will help lower staff members when they have questions, want to learn or need clarification.
What characteristics do you think make a good leader?: I have manager experience and have attended leadership camps throughout my career. I rather lead by example then tell someone how it should be or how to do it. I take action when is needed without being told to. Able to take criticism and learn from my mistakes to become a better leader.